Fire ants are little red ants that live in South America and can sting, which feels like burning fire. Paani, Dashi, and Tweak met them in Above and Beyond Season 1 in the episode The Fire Ants when there was a heavy rainstorm coming. Dashi saw how they can stand on each other and build a bridge of ants over the stream. But when she tried to get close thinking they were harmless, Tweak pulled her back with grabbers and warned her that fire ants have painful stings, as she had learned from her father when she was young. When a small wave of water knocked over their bridge formation, they all joined together to make a floating raft of ants. They found Paani's octo-watch and he managed to get it back without getting stung by using his paddle. As the rain started to pour, the ants tried to get high into the trees by climbing up the Octo-Ray, and Dashi, Tweak, and Paani helped them bridge over to the tree branch by standing on top of each other and using Paani's paddle board.
- The ants spoke in a Spanish accent.