The Gup-Z is a Gup that first, and so far only, appeared in The Octonauts and the Ring of Fire film. It is a 5-in-1 Gup, meaning almost everyone can use it. It can split into five separate Gups, so everyone can drive in different parts, and it can combine into a giant robot. It is the ultimate Gup for saving creatures from erupting undersea volcanoes. It is based on a vent shrimp.
In some of the trailers, we see how it combines to form the "Mega Gup Z." In big emergency rescues, everyone driving the Z Gups wears a Z helmet. In the 6th trailer, we see how it transforms into the "Mantis Shrimp Mode." In the film, it's shown that the only weakness is that this mode is only temporary due to a limited battery power. When the battery drains, the giant robot splits back into the five separate Z Gups and they won't be able to drive.
This Gup has yet to reappear after the Ring of Fire movie.
- Separate Gup Mode (Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5)
- Mantis Shrimp Mode (Limited Power)
- Mega Gup-Z Mode (Vent Shrimp)
- Lights
- Modes
- Spear Claw (mantis shrimp mode only)
- Hammer Claw (mantis shrimp mode only)
- Computer systems
- Mantis Leap (mantis shrimp mode only)
- Mantis Shrimp Vision (mantis shrimp mode only)
- Z Button
- Heat Proof
- Super Heat Proof Shield
- Z seat swap
- Boosters

5-in-1 Mode Z1 Z2 Z3 Z4 and Z5

Mantis Shrimp Mode