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The Mantis Shrimp is from Season 4, episode 6 of the Octonauts series.

Two mantis shrimp climb aboard the Octopod and have a battle of claws to claim space which makes this dangerous because the Octonauts have to stop the two dueling shrimp from damaging the Octopod as well as the Octopod from crashing into a coral reef!


Plot Summary[]

The Octonauts must get two mantis shrimp to stop fighting before their powerful claw strikes destroy the Octopod.

Claws of Danger[]

As the Octopod sails through a coral reef. Peso, Captain Barnacles, and Professor Inkling listen to Kwazii reading true tales for pirates. Peso is interested in hearing the story of the "Claws of Danger". Kwazii proceeds to read it. In the story, it talks about two Mantis Shrimp being locked in a never ending rivalry over each other until they broke a huge rock, leaving a family of worms without a home. Not wishing to harm others, they drew a line on the sand and each promised to remain on their own side. Peso asks if Mantis Shrimp are real and Inkling replies that they are quite real, with powerful claws with some meant for smashing, and others spearing. And they make their homes in coral reefs

Landing and encounter[]

Captain Barnacles says they're on their way to a coral reef right now. Kwazii says he is excited to see the claws of danger in action, and Peso agrees. Suddenly, as the Octopod lands, the two Mantis Shrimp that were in Kwazii's story appear. The Smash-Claw Mantis Shrimp says angrily "Who dares to cross the line in the sand!" and also to prepare to face his smash claw as he smashes a hole in the Octopod's tentacle and breaks in. Hearing all the commotion, Spear-Claw Mantis Shrimp angrily says "You woke me from my nap!" and he too, smashes a hole in the Octopod's tentacle and breaks in. Meanwhile, the Octonauts come across three hermit crabs who are too big for their shells and take them into the Octopod. On their way to Shellington's Lab, Kwazii hears a scurrying noise and turns around too see nothing and no one there but he shrugs it off.

Reunion of the Claws of Danger[]

In the Lab, Shellington shows the Hermit Crabs lots of different shells when suddenly, two voice saying "What are you doing here!" are heard behind the Octonauts. They all turn around to see two Mantis Shrimp arguing with each other about who captured the Octopod first. The Smash-Claw says maybe they should settle it the Mantis Shrimp way. Kwazii and Peso also realize the story is in fact true. The battle begins as the two Mantis Shrimp hurl themselves over to each other but miss, Shellington is surprised and says that its a Mantis Shrimp showdown but Barnacles interrupts and says that they need to stop this. The Mantis Shrimp say that the battle for their new home is between them and their claws. Barnacles offers to take them back home but the Mantis Shrimp harshly reject the offer, that's when Barnacles grabs the two Mantis Shrimp and says that they need a moment to calm down before placing them in two glass containers separated from each other (obviously).

Battle for the Octopod[]

Upon placing the two Mantis Shrimp in their small glass tanks. The Octonauts decide to go to do other things, Barnacles goes to the kitchen to help Barrot who got stuck in the kitchen vent, Kwazii goes to play table tennis with Dashi, and Peso along with Shellington goes to retrieve the shell removal kit from the Sick Bay. Meanwhile, back in the lab, the Mantis Shrimp argue about how "calm" they are. The Spear-Claw says that he is so "calm" that he can shatter the glass with one spear, this escalates into an argument between the two Mantis Shrimp and the two Mantis Shrimp break out of their tanks and the battle for the Octopod continues. In the hallway, they bump into Grouber and make him drop his fish biscuits. Seeing the Mantis Shrimps break out of the glass, one of the hermit crabs says that maybe they don't know what the word "calm" actually means. Peso and Shellington return and are shocked to see that the Mantis Shrimp have broken out of their tanks, the hermit crabs say they headed the other way. On the way, Peso and Shellington encounter Grouber who says the Mantis Shrimp headed for the game pod. Meanwhile at the game pod, Kwazii and Dashi are playing table tennis and Kwazii says that he will get her this time. Suddenly, the two Mantis Shrimp arrive at the game pod and the smash claw gets bonked in the face by a ping pong ball. Dashi tells them to stop but the Mantis Shrimp smashes the table tennis table to pieces, Kwazii captures them and says that they are not going to- but ends up dropping them due to Peso and Shellington bumping into Kwazii and Dash upon arriving at the game pod. The Mantis Shrimp then fly into the octo-chute again, to the library. the Mantis Shrimp accidentally slide down the railing and end up colliding with Professor Inkling, who was organizing the books, the impact also makes his books go flying which he fortunately manages to catch all of them. In the kitchen, Kwazii and the others manage to catch up to the Mantis Shrimp, only to get knocked over along with the others when the Captain manages to pull Barrot out of the vent. The Mantis Shrimp head for the HQ when one of the Mantis Shrimp hits the Octo-Alert. Barnacles and the other Octonauts arrive at HQ to see the Mantis Shrimp fighting, they bump into the controls, and accidentally hit the turbo button causing the Octopod to sail out of control and is about to collide with the reef. Kwazii says that they're going to crash into it, causing the Mantis Shrimp to stop fighting and say that the reef is their home.

Saving the Octopod and the Reef[]

Shellington says that the reef is not just the Mantis Shrimp's homes, but also home to hundreds of sea animals and if they smash into it, they'll lose everything. Barnacles climbs to the octo lift and Dashi activates manual steering just before the momentum topples causes her to slide backwards and Barnacles to slide backwards. Just then, Kwazii hops onto the lift and pulls Barnacles onto it then hops off. Barnacles pulls the breaks with all his Polar Bear strength and is able to stop the ship.

The Claw of Peace[]

As Barnacles comes down from the lift, he thanks Kwazii for "lending him a fast paw." Kwazii replies "Sometimes it takes a little cat-like quickness combined with some polar bear strength to get the job done!" and they fist bump. Shellington and Peso have also appeared to have restrained the two Mantis Shrimp who apologize saying that their battle went "A claw too far" and saying that they almost wrecked their beloved reef and the Octonaut's ship. Shellington and Peso place the two shrimp down and the two shrimp shake claws saying that its time to extend the claw of peace. One saying that he bows to the others Spear-Claw, but the Spear-Claw insists that the Smash-Claw is better. Kwazii interrupts saying that they both have amazing claw power and they have a job for the Mantis Shrimp and take them to the lab. Back in the lab, Kwazii and Barnacles say that "Sometimes it takes a little spear claw quickness combined with some smash claw strength to get the job done". The Mantis Shrimp work together to break the tiny shell of the hermit crab who is happy to be free from the tiny shell at last. The episode ends with the Mantis Shrimp leaping into the air as the screen fades and the credits play.


  • This episode features an electric guitar-cover version of the Octo-Alert.
  • This episode marks the first time Peso is not scared of one of Kwazii's pirate stories.
  • The smash claw mantis shrimp has the same personality as Captain Barnacles, and the spear claw mantis shrimp has the same personality as Kwazii. And they all have a competitive side.
  • In this episode the colors of the mantis shrimp are portrayed incorrectly. In real life orange/brown ones have spears and green peacock ones have smashers.
  • Moral: Don’t get carried away with fighting.
  • Moral: Working together can get the job done faster.

Creature Reports[]

  • Mantis Shrimp