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Captain Barnacles, Kwazii, and Peso are visiting the Polar Scout Emergency Post run by Tracker - a young polar bear trained by Captain Barnacles - when suddenly they receive a signal for help from a deserted research station on the opposite side of the world, Antarctica. Whoever could have sent the signal, the Octonauts have to answer it. Once they get to Antarctica they find out that the person who called for help was an old friend of Captain Barnacles named Professor Natquik.


Visiting an Old Friend up North[]

Captain Barnacles, Kwazii, and Peso set out on the sea ice to reach the Polar Scout Emergency Post. Kwazii asks Barnacles if he's sure they're in the right place, Barnacles replies that he is in fact sure this is the place and the post is out on the sea ice. The three Octonauts continue forward and hop across several ice floes and soon spot the Emergency Post. Upon reaching the entrance, a young Polar Bear named Tracker opens the door and happily greets Barnacles. Inside the post Barnacles introduces the Octonauts to Tracker. It is then revealed that he was trained by Captain Barnacles before he went on to become the captain and leader of the Octonauts. Tracker tells them that if anyone calls for help in the Arctic, it’s his job to hear it and make sure they recieve the help they need. Barnacles tells the Octonauts that they came here to set up a connection with both the Emergency Post and the Octopod. Tracker then connects to the Octopod and is greeted by Dashi and exchange some words. Just then, there is a signal that seems to be calling for help, but instead of the Arctic, the call came from the opposite side of the world; the Antarctic. Tracker opens up a book and reveals that the location of the mysterious call came from an old ice research station that has been shut down for years, meaning no one lives there, but someone is calling for help. Barnacles sounds the Octo-Alert, informing the Octonauts that someone is calling for help in the Antarctic. Soon after, the Octopod takes off for Antarctica.

Mysterious Call from the South[]

As the Octopod lands on the seabed of Antarctica, the Octonauts venture out in the Gup-S. Kwazii asks if there is any difference between the Arctic and Antarctic. Barnacles replies that there are lots of differences and says that Polar Bears live only in the Arctic and Penguins in the Antarctic. Shellington replies that when its summer in the Arctic, it's winter in the Antarctic, and the Arctic is a frozen ocean surrounded by land and the Antarctic, a frozen land surrounding by ocean. While travelling, they come across some Penguins which Peso instantly recognizes as a cousin named "Ooju." The Gup-S soon lands on Antarctica and they resume their journey to the abandoned Research Station. In a massive blizzard, Peso spots a flashing red light straight ahead and with the help of a guide rope, the Octonauts continue on foot. Upon reaching the station, Barnacles calls out if anyone's there but there's no answer. Barnacles soon climbs up the station and presses a button which opens a hatchlike ramp that leads to the inside of the station. While entering the station, they hear a strange noise coming from inside. Upon closer investigation, they discover that it was just a recording. They head inside the main area and discover that the floor is tilted, they then come across a half eaten fish biscuit and a cup of tea. Shellington examines a book when suddenly the floor tilts even more. Barnacles reacts quickly and gets all the Octonauts out of the station unharmed.


Back outside, Kwazii discovers some mysterious tracks. Barnacles examines the tracks and determines them to be that of an Arctic Fox. Shellington replies that it doesn't make sense as Arctic Foxes don't live in the Antarctic. Nevertheless, they decide to follow the tracks and soon come across a cave when suddenly a mysterious hooded figure emerges out from the shadows of the cave. Upon seeing each other for the first time in years, Barnacles and the mysterious figure, now revealed to be "Professor Natquik," share a warm hug (in the coldest place on Earth) with each other. Barnacles then asks if Natquik called for help, which he replies that he was, then Barnacles introduces the Octonauts to Professor Natquik. Barnacles reveals that when he was a young Polar Scout, Natquik taught him how to do field research in the Arctic, whether it be recognizing tracks, listening to sounds others miss, or dodging Natquik's surprise snowballs. Barnacles then asks Natquik what he was doing so far from home. Natquik reveals that he came to Antarctica and his radio broke long ago, so nobody knew he was still there. Natquik then reveals that he came across an amazing discovery but tells the Octonauts it may soon be lost and reveals that his Ice Research Station is on the verge of falling into an enormous Ice Chasm.

Helping Hands[]

The Octonauts, seeing the Research Station on the verge of falling into the Chasm, soon attach a tow cable from the Station to the Gup-S. The Gup-S along with the other Octonauts soon begin pulling when suddenly some ice threatens to bring the Station down into the Chasm. Barnacles orders Tweak to activate snow spikes, allowing the Gup's treads to lock into the ice and hold on tight. The Gup-S continues to pull and soon manages to pull the Station away from the danger. Professor Natquik thanks the Octonauts for saving the station and his life's work and they soon head inside the station and Natquik then reveals his amazing discovery; a sound known as the "Bloop." Kwazii believes that the cause of the sound ranged from a "Bloopzilla or a "Humongous Blooptopus," but Natquik reveals that it is caused by "Enormous Icequakes." Suddenly Natquik hears another strange noise that sounds like "Woodle Waddle," Peso realizes that it's his Adelie Penguin Cousins and they're heading straight for an Ice Chasm. Back outside, the Octonauts deploy flares from the Gup-S and warn the Penguins not to go any further or they'll fall into an Ice Chasm. A Penguin soon orders the group to stop and stay where they are. The Octonauts suggest building a bridge but Kwazii replies that there is only snow and ice around and opens a cup of hot chocolate only for it to freeze due to the extreme cold, Tweak tells Kwazii that he's a genius and he just discovered the solution to the problem, drilling a tunnel into the ice with a heated drill, melting the ice inside, and allowing it to form an ice bridge. The Gup-S soon tunnels underground and eventually reaches the other side, allowing water to gush out and freeze instantly. Barnacles gives the Penguins the all clear to start crossing. After the Penguins reached the surface, they realized Ooju was not with them but instead on the makeshift ice bridge. The Octonauts, Professor Natquik, and the Penguins urge Ooju to cross quicker when suddenly an icequake emerges and causes the ice bridge give way with Ooju on it. With encouraging words from Kwazii and the Captain, they lower Peso down into the Chasm to rescue Ooju. As Peso descends into the Chasm, Ooju turns around and is happy to see Peso when he loses his footing and slips. Fortunately, Peso catches him with a rope made from bandages. The other Octonauts soon pull Peso up and Peso bandages Ooju's hurt foot. Peso's cousins tell him that they need to continue on their journey to the nesting grounds and Peso and Kwazii decide to give Ooju a ride in the Gup-S.

Renovations to the Station[]

After all problems and mysteries have been solved, Barnacles asks Natquik if he's ready to go back to work. Natquik is more than ready to get back to work but it the same thing cannot be said for his Ice Research Station. As he presses a button and the door barely manages to open. Barnacles asks Tweak what they should do and Tweak suggests that they should fix her up. Around Eight Weeks and Two Days later of planning, remodeling, and refurnishing the old station, Tweak and Dashi arrive with the newly improved Ice Research Station, now known as the Gup-I. Natquik cheerfully says that its wonderful and Tweak shows Natquik the exterior features of the Gup-I (I for Ice) ranging from solar panels, wind turbines, and snow treads so that Natquik can move it away from ice chasms, and extendable legs to lift the Station up high if the snow gets too deep. Inside the Gup, there is a hot chocolate machine, a vending machine, and last, but not least, pole to pole communications. Dashi presses a button and Tracker appears on the big screen. Barnacles introduces Professor Natquik to Tracker who happily greets Tracker. Suddenly there is a strange slurping noise coming from the Gup-I. Peso says that its the sound of a "Humongous Slurptopus" which turns out to be Kwazii sipping some hot chocolate and the episode ends with Natquik and the Octonauts enjoying some hot chocolate inside the Gup-I while it begins to snow once more in the Antarctic.



Gup Appearances[]


In 2017, this episode won the Annie Awards at the 45th Annual Annies Awards by the nomination for "Best Television Production For Preschool Children".
